Acupuncture And Cupping
Acupuncture is a common therapeutic intervention derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). All of our naturopathic doctors have completed hundreds of hours of training in acupuncture as part of their naturopathic medicine degrees in the form of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture involves the use of small, sterile, non-reusable needles as part of a more comprehensive program or for acute conditions. At NatCan, acupuncture is performed by our licensed acupuncturist, ALL OF OUR NATUROPATHIC DOCTORS as well as members of our physiotherapy and massage team (*only RMT performing Contemporary Acupuncture is Sheri Robinson). Unlike NDs and acupuncturists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and massage therapists perform medical/contemporary acupuncture, a system that approaches treatment from a more physical paradigm and not constitutional.
Cupping is an ancient component of TCM treatments. It is particularly effective for addressing muscle or chest congestion. Cupping involves the use of glass or plastic cups that are placed on the body to help increase circulation. This treatment is offered by our licensed acupuncturist, both Drs. Sabrina Perfetto and Stefania Iovine, ND and our registered massage therapists.